10/30/2015 0 Comments BOLD TRUSTFrom Amy Lou:
As I sit and soak in God’s Word this morning, my heart is heavy for so much suffering that is all around me. I reflect on a couple questions that have been posed to me several times throughout this faith journey: Why does God answer some people’s prayers and not others? And How can a good God allow bad things to happen? I don’t pretend to know the answers to these questions, but I can share some insight on what God has shown me. It’s important to begin with the fact that our “faith journey” doesn’t start at the moment of suffering, or conflict, or loss. It begins the moment we accept Jesus as sovereign Lord over our lives, over the whole universe, over all of His creation, and continues to grow as we walk in His truth daily. When we accept Him for who He truly is and place Him as Lord over our lives, it does not mean we no longer suffer or that we are no longer sinners. We still battle our human nature daily, hourly, sometimes moment by moment. We try to figure out the “why’s” of our circumstances using our own human reasoning and common rationale. But we have to snap out of this mindset and remember our LIMITLESS God, the Creator of all things, is so much bigger than our LIMITED reasoning and rational minds can comprehend. This has to be our foundation, the truth that anchors our soul daily so that when suffering and trials come, we will not be shaken! Because of our humanness, sometimes our questions are backwards. Instead of “How can a good God let bad things happen?” Maybe a better question is, “How can God be so good to us when we are such sinners?” Our mindset needs to be set on His Redemption story. He is redeeming a fallen world unto Himself. All of us deserve death, but by His redeeming love, we are offered life, eternally in the presence of our King. His plans are not our own, for everything He does is to bring glory to Himself and to draw others to Him. This is hard to swallow in cases that don’t turn out the way we ask. We start to question God in our selfishness, but when our faith hinges on the fact that God works all things for the good of those who love Him, we wait in anticipation for Gods glory to be revealed! This is to be our mindset in praying. It’s not about whose prayers get answered and whose don’t. All prayers are answered in a way that brings Glory to God. This should be the desire of our prayers! I have found this to be true throughout my journey and walking with like-minded sisters and brothers in Christ is that His glory ALWAYS prevails, EVERY time, without fail! He is so FAITHFUL in every circumstance and outcome. This then, is our challenge. God calls us to have a bold trust in His deity and sovereignty. Our mental focus on who God is must be renewed daily because we are sinners living in a fallen world that wants us to believe otherwise. The natural thoughts of our human mindset is to resist truth about God, BUT when we look back on Gods record of faithfulness in the past, we must trust in His unfailing love for us – in every circumstance. He always was, always is, and always will be faithful! Grow each of us in our faith Lord Jesus! Amen. Keep increasing the volume! -Mickey
10/29/2015 0 Comments WAITRehab is going well and Brynn continues to amaze. One PT said in our last session, “she could not believe it has only been 3 weeks and she is doing this well.”
Funny moments have started happening during therapy sessions as Brynn’s full personality continues to come back. One of my favorite moments that happens regularly is when she is in the middle of something and a therapist asks her to move to another task; she simply lefts her little pointer finger and looks at them and says “wait”. (Bbbbaaaaaahhhhhaaaa) Though this is cute and funny now, I can only imagine how that will play out later. It reminds me of the amazing fact that God desires for us to submit to Him, even when we want Him to simply wait. I encourage us to be passionately pursuing God, so that when He calls, we will be ready! (Isaiah 6:6) Specific prayer: 1) hearing and speech 2) her feet and them working with her legs properly 3) her temperament and working with therapist Thank you for all you are doing and we thank God for being Brynn’s Jehovah Rapha. Keep increasing the volume! 10/28/2015 0 Comments DISTRACTIONSToday was another great day and I want to ask you to continue to pray specifically for Brynn’s hearing and speech. I want to tell you more of what God is doing in that area, but right now I feel it in my spirit to simply wait. Trust me when I tell you God is hearing us loud and clear and answering with a “YES”. PLEASE KEEP PRAYING for her hearing and speech.
As those connected to us through Facebook may have seen over the last few days, some people are trying to pigtail off of God’s Miracle Story in Brynn to promote selfish ambitions (selling sunglasses) or spread garbage on my FB page. This is not a new concept. In fact, throughout scripture people tried to take God’s desire to love His people and use it for their own gain. I think the biblical account of Jesus flipping over the tables in the temple is the best example of men trying to take something Godly and perverting it for their own good (Matthew 21:12-17 or John 2:13-25). I want to encourage us all to not let the perverted and self-centered distort or distract what is Godly and pure. We are in His midst and let us make certain we keep His temple clean and a house of prayer, rather than distorting it and making it a den of robbers. Tonight, please pray for those who hacked my account or posted things to sell or smut by tagging me. Pray they will hear God’s miracle story in Brynn and understand just how much God loves them and how much we love them as well. Though I am frustrated with their tactics, I am consumed with loving people and forgiveness. Lord, forgive us all where we have failed you and continue to show us Your love and grace. Keep increasing the volume! 10/27/2015 0 Comments GIFTEDWe have made it to rehab and every doctor’s response to Brynn at evaluations and therapy has a common theme: “she is so much farther than we were expecting after reading her case file.” Thank you God for more earthly confirmation of what we know you have done!
It took God’s Miracle Tour in Brynn about 5 minutes on the floor before Brynn quickly became a floor favorite. And if you know Brynn then that is not surprising. Concerning Brynn, I want us all to storm His throne concerning her speech and hearing. These are the two areas that seem to be lacking the most. Concerning her muscle strength and control that we prayed for; God once again said “YES!” Brynn is sitting up, rolling over, eating on her own, crawling, standing up, and even takes a few steps with a little help. Her muscle difference between now and yesterday is nothing short of amazing. She still has more to go, but I wanted to share God’s answer to our last prayer focus. The thought I keep dwelling on is how amazingly gifted God created us to be. This hospital is absolutely spectacular and to think it all came from people God gifted and created with exceptional abilities is awesome. It reminds me of The Tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-9. If you read the story (yes, that means go read it) you will see just how amazing God created us to be. The issue in the early world (roughly 6,000 years ago) was not man’s God given ability or talents; but rather how we chose to use them. Walking around Scottish Rite and seeing the good this hospital does must make God smile and allow Him to continue to show His favor through sending very gifted people to this place. I wonder if we have the right focus to be in the right place to use our God given abilities and talents for His purpose that is a game changer for others? If not, it’s never to late to make an adjustment. Many have asked how to send Brynn encouragement during her rehab. Here is the address: |SCOTTISH RITE |1001 Johnson Ferry Rd |Atlanta, GA 30342 |c/o Brynn clark |CIRU 376 I love each of you and thank you for being a part of our life. Keep increasing the volume!!! 10/26/2015 0 Comments THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS LUCKBags are packed and papers are signed; now we are only waiting on the EMT’s before the God’s Miracle in Brynn Tour leaves Chattanooga and heads to ATL!
With these giant steps behind us, I am simply in a complete state of thankfulness and gratitude to our Jehovah and to all of you! I pray that as we all (yes all of us, because we feel you have all been with us on this journey) leave Children’s Hospital; I pray the lessons, renewed relationships, and biblical truths are not left in Room 434. May we remember what God has done and never be the same again. One last affirmation of God’s goodness, love, and grace came from Dr. Mac today as he preformed his final checkup of Brynn. Amy was simply asking how does Brynn compare to other cases in similar critical situations. Dr. Mac simply replied; “she is the luckiest girl he has ever seen” (for the record, no such thing as luck – it’s called blessed) and Brooke our PT worker simply said; “she has an army of warriors behind her and she is doing exceptionally well”. The fact that in two answers God was recognized and you were acknowledge as God’s people; I can say with a smile on my face – “Atlanta, get ready for a modern day miracle and the completion of Brynn!” Do not stop until it is finish (Philippians 1:6 – read it)! Increase the volume! 10/25/2015 0 Comments HOUSTON - WE ARE GOAs Brynn continues to progress we spend time with her working on various motor skills. I can not emphasize enough how miraculous the last two weeks have been. She has went from minutes from death to ALL parts working and continuing to improve. Yes you read that correctly – ALL PARTS (including right side) working; GOD IS SO AMAZING AND HAS HEARD US ALL! Though she is not where she was before the fall, she is a a lot further from two weeks ago.
We will be headed to ATL in the morning for rehab and I am confident that God will bring Brynn through a complete healing and restoration of her body. It has been awesome to watch the doctors and nurses look at Brynn and smile because her quick restoration and condition can not be medically explained. Please do not miss hear me; Children’s Hospital has been used by God to do amazing things and we are so thankful for everyone, but we acknowledge God as the Jehovah Rapha and have seen it to be true. For the record and for credit: the doctors acknowledge the same. I also want to tell you just how amazing God is and what has been in my spirit for the last 24 hours. It started with a great visit from my uncle Bobo (real name: Leroy) and Aunt Ann yesterday. Bobo is my dad’s brother (my father passed away just before I turned 13) and has always been one of my favorite people on earth. I do not know what it is about him, but he always brings joy and laughter into my life when he is around. The irony is that I have not seen him much since my father passed away, but every time we get together it takes about five minutes and then it’s as if we have never been a part. Man how I love that about our relationship! Then today I had the privilege to go to my church and worship and be a part of our Fall Festival for the first time since Brynn’s fall. Though it had been two weeks, it was as if I had never been gone. The love and concern Grace Point showed me through the conversations of the people can only be summed up by it is a true love relationship. In fact, both situations are simply true love relationships! That is what I can not get out of my mind and spirit. No matter where we are, no matter what we may feel we have done; God is always ready to pick up exactly where WE left off. God is totally in love with you and like my church and uncle – it takes one small step into His presence and God Himself picks right back up with our true love relationship with Him. I believe this is the true message of a very familiar verse in John’s gospel simply known worldwide as John 3:16. So Bobo and Aunt Ann if you read this – I love you. Grace Point – it is a privilege to do life with you and serve on your staff. Pray specifically for Brynn’s strength in muscles and continue improvement. Keep increasing the volume! 10/24/2015 0 Comments ALL RIGHTI sit here writing this update with a GO BIG ORANGE shirt on, with my brain hopeful the Vols can make a game of it, but my heart for the first time ever screaming, “Me Roll Tide”.
Concerning Brynn; she is using her RIGHT arm, hand, and fingers. LOL God not only heard your prayers yesterday, but He is simply showing us just how powerful and gracious He is as Jehovah Rapha ( The Lord that heals – Exodus 15:26) and letting us know how much He has empowered us to be His voice to this world. This is why we all have to learn to pray with expectancy knowing that God is able. He does not answer because He has to, but because He loves us and wants to demonstrate His love in us. No, this is not an “I want a Cadillac” type prayer or pitch to God; but rather with a sincere heart and faith we can trust God with our prayers. Hebrews 10:19-25 sums it up best. Rehab in ATL has been approved and we should be heading there soon. So if your keeping count; God has answered every single prayer with “Yes” and we are thankful for His miracle in Brynn. Take time to read Hebrews 10:19-25 today and thank God for everything He is doing in us through His miracle in Brynn and remember the following prayer request: One of my fellow staff members at a previous church had his son Baylor sustain a similar injury last night at a football game to his brain like Brynn did two weeks ago. Would you join with me as we storm the throne for God to do it again, but this time for Baylor. Baylor is in a very critical situation but we know God is able because of what we have already witnessed over the last two weeks. Thank you for loving Brynn, my family, and me! In case we have not told you; “we love you to!” 10/23/2015 0 Comments WATCH THIS![]() Today I would like to ask us to storm the throne specifically over Brynn’s right hand and arm. If you wear a watch, please switch it to your right arm (if it’s on your left). Then every time you feel it, check the time, or think of it; please say a prayer specifically for her right hand, arm, and fingers. With that prayer going up, I would like for you to also think of what is your role God has for you in His body. I Cor. 12:12-27 explains very clearly that we all have a role in His plan and it is never self-gratifying and it should always work towards making the whole body more functional in order that the whole body can work properly. This has been resonating in my spirit as I watch Brynn trying to get her body to function properly again. With each part of her body that submits to her will and its function, she becomes excited and less frustrated. My prayer for all of us is that God can/does find joy in our function in His body and we are not a distraction or handicap. Keep increasing the volume and for Brynn – “roll tide” P.S. – If you don’t wear a watch…drop your smartphone in your ‘other’ pocket! 10/22/2015 0 Comments STINK EYEGod has been doing some amazing things today! It started this morning when Brynn let everyone know she does not need to be on a puréed food diet. It happened very innocently when just the two of us were hanging out this morning and she ate an entire bag of animal crackers, two cheese crackers, and a few m&ms. Lol – I got the stink eye from the nutrition Doctor, but all-in-all it was worth it seeing the results. In fact, all day I have felt a little bad for running in front of the 2nd eating test, but at the same time I know Brynn as good as anyone (except mamacita) and knew she was ready.
I also have been thinking all day about how much irony is between Brynn and I’s eating moment and God’s amazing will for our life. You know many people try to tell us things we need and some may even have great reasons for their opinion, but God is the One who really knows us! Sometimes many may disagree with the timing, plan, or your direction; but we have to trust Him. God has shown us all so much over the last 12 days and one thing I know is: HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR ME AS A HEAVENLY FATHER and sometimes that is leading us to action that others say we are not ready for. If your looking for a few examples then think about these people: Moses – His mouth piece, Abraham – father of the nations at a late age, David – teenager slays a giant, Peter – walks on water, Saul – conversion to Paul, and the list goes on… I encourage you all to take what God is showing us and let it result in actions of obedience in our life that may be outside our comfort zone. Keep praying for Brynn; especially that right arm and hand, the lower left part of her brain, and for complete healing in her entire body. Also pray that Blue Cross Insurance will not delay our rehab in ATL; it’s the only thing we are wait on at this point. I love each of you and your encouragement has been amazing! Keep increasing the volume! 10/21/2015 0 Comments APPLE IS THE SAUCEGod has heard and as always His answer is exceeding human expectations and doctor’s prognosis. She ate an entire bowl of apple sauce, drinking orange Gatorade, and having her personality come back. We need to keep praying for her right arm and leg, lower left part of brain, strength in muscles in entire body, and CHOA opening for rehab.
Brynn needs to keep eating and drinking, but it has been a great day! My thoughts today are summed up by Job 42:1-6 (Take time to read it). Amy shared this passage this morning with me and I have not been able to stop dwelling on it. Keep increasing the volume! |
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